Apply for Grants

Online Grant Application

The Stockbridge Area Educational Foundation reviews and awards grant applications each year on a quarterly basis as funds permit. The Foundation holds four quarterly meetings on the last Thursday of January, April, July and October.

Proposals received by the 1st of January, April, July, or October will be reviewed for funding by the Foundation Board of Directors at the next quarterly meeting. Only proposals that qualify according to the mission and purpose of the Foundation will be considered. Proposals that represent innovation, relevance, and originality will receive primary funding consideration. Requests that are recurrent will not be considered unless special financial circumstances exist.  Requests for classroom materials such as text books, curriculum and supplies needed for teachers to be able to perform their duties under contract will be referred to the SCS Board of Education and Superintendent for consideration before the grant committee considers them.

Foundation Purpose, Area Served: Purpose - To promote the education of area residents and to enhance the educational opportunities available to all its citizens. Area Served - That encompassing the Stockbridge Community School District.

Request has been approved by direct Supervisor   (required)
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