Special Education

Welcome to Stockbridge Community Schools Special Education!

The Stockbridge Community School District offers a full continuum of program and service options designed to meet the individual needs of eligible students with disabilities from birth through age 26 who attend a public or non-public school within the Ingham Intermediate School District service area.

Our goal is to provide programs and services that are tailored to meet the needs of each individual student through a variety of support services and resources. While emphasis is placed on educating all students in integrated settings to the maximum extent appropriate, placement decisions must be based on individual student needs and desired outcomes and must be rooted in the Individual Educational Planning Team (IEPT) process.

Parent involvement is an integral part of programming and our team is dedicated to working closely with families to ensure the best support possible. Please contact us at any time with questions or ideas on how we can strengthen our support for your family.

Contact Us

Dr. Krisan Fedokovitz
School Psychologist
Kate Fox
Social Worker
Kelsey Jennett
Director of Special Education
Heather McNaughton
Dena Sommer
Stephanie Thomas