Food & Nutrition Services
Welcome to Stockbridge Schools Food & Nutrition Services!
Stockbridge Schools Food & Nutrition Department is dedicated to serving our students appealing and nutritious meals that will give them the fuel that is needed to achieve their daily academic, and physical growth. We also make it our job to help teach students which foods they need to consume, in their appropriate portion sizes, in order to live a healthy life.
Please feel free to call the Food & Nutrition Office if you have
have questions or need any assistance.
Education Benefits Form (Previously F&R Application)
We are happy to inform you that Stockbridge Community Schools will be participating in the
Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) as part of the National School Lunch and National School Breakfast programs. During the 2024-2025 school year ALL student meals will be free of charge, no application needed, though we are requesting that all families complete an Education Benefits Form.
Why is Stockbridge Community Schools requesting financial information? The Education Benefits Form collects information needed to ensure the school receives state and federal funding for education programs. The more forms returned the better.
Without this information, Stockbridge Community Schools could lose important state and federal funding for educational programs that our students need. These supplemental grants and programs have the potential to offer support and services for our students including, but not limited to:
- Instructional staff (ex. Reading Interventionists, Math Tutors, Academic & Behavior Aids)
- Teaching supplies and materials
- Counselors and Social Workers
- School Nurses
- Professional Learning for staff
- Parent and Community engagement supplies and activities
- Technology
What else might my student or household be eligible for? Based on the information you provide on your Education Benefits Form; your child may qualify for other programs such as:
- Pay to Play
- Weekend Tide Me Over Bags
- Programs that provide field trip support
- Programs the provide school supplies or assist with school fees
- Programs that provide holiday support
- Potential support for cable and internet
All information on the form submitted is confidential.
You must complete the Sharing Information with Other Programs Form, to grant permission for your eligibility information to be shared.
If you have any questions, please contact Stephanie White at 517-851-7770 ext. 6308.
Please complete a form as soon as possible .
Start A Form
Education Benefits Letter
Education Benefits Form
Sharing Information with Other Programs
MDE Summer Food Program
School Menus & Meal Prices
The Food Service Department is excited to announce that ALL student meals will be FREE of Charge for SY 2024-2025!
Students must take a complete reimbursable meal in order for their meal to qualify.
Breakfast Information
A school breakfast gives student's choices of whole grain breads/cereal, meat/meat alternate, fruit/juice, and milk (1% white, FF chocolate). Students must take three items and one must be a fruit or juice. Most entrees are two items.
Breakfast is served every morning (Monday-Friday) in each building's cafeteria:
Breakfast Price for All Buildings: $0.00
- Smith Elementary begins at 8:30 a.m.
- Heritage School begins at 8:30 a.m.
- Jr./Sr. High School begins at 7:05 a.m.
Lunch Information
A school lunch consists of five meal components: protein, grain, fruit, vegetable, and milk. Students must take three out of the five components, and one must be at least a half cup of fruit or vegetable, in order for their meal to be a complete reimbursable meal. Many of our main entrees consist of two meal components.
- GSRP Menu
- Smith Elementary Menu
- Heritage School Menu
Lunch Prices (Pre-K-6th):
Paid: $0.00
Reduced: $0.00
Free: $0.00
- Jr./Sr. High School Menu
Lunch Prices (7-12):
Paid: $0.00
Reduced: $0.00
Free: $0.00
Meal Payment Options
Payment to your student’s meal account can be made at any time.
Meal Accounts
Parents and Guardians have the ability to check their student’s meal account balance, their daily spending, and transfer money between accounts within your family. Accounts can be set up online in the Meal Magic Family Portal. You will need your student’s identification number when setting up an account.
Online Payments
Online payment can be made at SchoolPay . Funds are deposited each morning at 9:00 a.m.
Junior/Senior High School and Heritage School
Students can pay the cashier at the time of meal service. Cash and checks are accepted at the register. Checks should be made out to Stockbridge Community Schools, and we ask that you put your students first and last name in the memo.
Smith Elementary
Students can turn in payment any morning, either to their teacher or in the cafeteria. Money must be in a sealed envelope with the student’s full name and lunch written on it. When sending checks, the students first and last name must be in the memo. We do not recommend sending cash for payment, especially at the elementary level.
Checks should be made out to Stockbridge Community Schools
Family Checks
If you have multiple students you can send one check for all students. Family checks can be evenly split or different amounts deposited to each student's account. Family checks should have the names of all students and the amount to deposit for each student.
Mailing a Payment
Checks can be mailed to Stockbridge Community Schools
Food & Nutrition Services
416 North Clinton Street
Stockbridge, MI, 49285
Meal Charging Guidelines
Parents/guardians are responsible for any unpaid charges to their student’s account. By monitoring their student’s accounts often, they can ensure there are no occurring negative balances. Pre-Paying on a student’s account helps to ensure there are adequate funds at all times for meals. Pre-Payments can also be made online at SchoolPay. Unpaid meal charges will be turned over to the District Business Manager’s Office at school year's end.
An account can be set up online in the Meal Magic Family Portal to check your student's daily spending, and to view the monies available in their account. You will need your student’s ID# to set up an account. You can find your student’s ID# at their individual school office. It is the obligation of the parent/guardian to ensure their students have lunch money, or a packed lunch sent from home each school day. We understand there may be circumstances that may occur on occasion with a meal, and we have implemented the following Charging Guidelines for families in our district. We encourage the parent or guardian to monitor their student’s meal accounts regularly to ensure there are adequate funds to purchase their meals. Money left in a student’s account will carry over into the next school year.
Students Eligible for Free Lunch
Students will receive breakfast and lunch each day at no charge.
- Students must have cash or money in their meal account in order to purchase a la carte items including milk. Milk is only included in a full reimbursable meal at no charge, otherwise milk is considered an a la carte item and an unallowable charge.
Students Eligible for Reduced Lunch
Students can charge up to five meals before receiving a designated menu alternate and charged their standard meal price.
- Students are not allowed to charge for breakfast. They must have adequate funds to pay.
- Students must have cash or money in their meal account in order to purchase a la carte items including milk.
- If a student has a negative balance on their account and brings money for a la carte items, this money will be put toward their negative balance.
- Reminder letters of negative balances are sent home with students each week.
- Automated low-balance email reminders are sent each week to families who have provided an accurate email address.
- All negative balances must be paid off by the school year's end.
Elementary Students (K-2)
Elementary students are exempt from receiving an alternate meal at lunch.
- Students must have adequate funds in their accounts for meals.
- Parents will be notified by letter when their child has three unpaid meals. At the time a child reaches five unpaid meals, the building office will call the parent/guardian.
- A la carte items are not allowable charges including milk.
- Reminder letters of negative balances will be sent home with students each week.
- Automated low-balance email reminders are sent each week to families that have provided an accurate email address.
- All negative balances must be paid off by school year's end.
Elementary Students (3-6)
Students can charge up to three meals before receiving a designated menu alternate and charged the standard meal price.
- Students must have adequate funds in their accounts for meals.
- Parents will be notified by letter when their child has three unpaid meals. At the time a child reaches five unpaid meals, the building office will call the parent/guardian.
- A la carte items are not allowable charges including milk.
- Reminder letters of negative balances will be sent home with students each week.
- Automated low-balance email reminders are sent each week to families that have provided an accurate email address.
- All negative balances must be paid off by school year's end.
Jr High/Sr. High School Students (7-12)
Students can charge one meal before receiving a designated menu alternate and charged the standard meal price.
- Students must have adequate funds in their accounts for meals.
- Parents will be notified by letter when their child has three unpaid meals. At the time a child reaches five unpaid meals, the building office will call the parent/guardian.
- A la carte items are not allowable charges including milk.
- Reminder letters of negative balances will be sent home with students each week.
- Automated low-balance email reminders are sent each week to families that have provided an accurate email address.
- All negative balances must be paid off by school year's end.
Adults are not allowed to charge meals or a la carte items.
Special Dietary Needs - Medical Form
If your student requires special meal accomodation's you must submit a completed Special Dietary Needs Form. Please return completed forms to your students schools office or mail to Food & Nutrition Services 416 N. Clinton St. Stockbridge, MI 49285
Civil Rights Non-Discrimination Statement
In accordance with federal civil rights law and U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) civil rights regulations and policies, this institution is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, age, or reprisal or retaliation for prior civil rights activity.
Program information may be made available in languages other than English. Persons with disabilities who require alternative means of communication to obtain program information (e.g., Braille, large print, audiotape, American Sign Language), should contact the responsible state or local agency that administers the program or USDA’s TARGET Center at (202) 720-2600 (voice and TTY) or contact USDA through the Federal Relay Service at (800) 877-8339.
To file a program discrimination complaint, a Complainant should complete a Form AD-3027, USDA Program Discrimination Complaint Form which can be obtained online at the U.S. Department of Agriculture USDA Program Discrimination Complaint Form, from any USDA office, by calling 866-632-9992, or by writing a letter addressed to USDA. The letter must contain the complainant’s name, address, telephone number and a written description of the alleged discriminatory action in sufficient detail to inform the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights (ASCR) about the nature and date of an alleged civil rights violation. The completed AD-3027 form or letter must be submitted to USDA by:
- mail:
U.S. Department of Agriculture
Office of the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights
1400 Independence Avenue, SW
Washington, D.C. 20250-9410; or - fax:
833-256-1665 or 202-690-7442; or - email:
This institution is an equal opportunity provider.
Contact Us
Food Service Main Office
416 N. Clinton Street
Stockbridge, MI 49285
517-851-7770 ext.6308